In this made for Showtime television spoof of Madonna's "Truth or Dare" documentary, comedienne Julie Brown portrays Medusa, an egocentric, hyper-sexual (and not particularly talented) pop star on an international five-day world tour, "The Blonde Leading the Blonde" show. Brown painstakingly duplicates costumes, sets and hairstyles while spoofing Madonna's seeming self-obsession. Madonna visits the cemetery where her mother is buried; Medusa visits the pet cemetery where her dog Buster is laid to rest. (Or is it "Boomer"?) Madonna performs fellatio on a bottle, at the dare of a friend; Medusa does it on a watermelon. And so on...
Release Date: December 01, 1991
August 17, 1979
December 13, 1996
June 10, 2022
January 02, 2016
November 28, 2013
December 22, 1970
March 17, 2002
January 01, 1964
October 01, 1978
July 07, 2000
July 04, 2001
October 24, 2003
April 12, 2006
April 11, 2013
December 09, 1923
October 17, 2000
October 10, 2004
May 21, 1993
July 28, 1993
February 14, 1992