In the months and years following the end of the World War Two, Allied forces faced a series of bombings and attacks in occupied Germany. Nazi loyalists attempted to derail the rebuilding process by killing any Germans collaborating with the enemy. And the mysterious SS-Werewolves underground organization boasted of the coming rebirth of the Party.
Release Date: December 11, 2003
November 23, 1962
March 02, 2015
September 17, 1942
December 15, 1946
October 15, 2009
July 04, 1946
April 24, 1985
December 25, 1942
November 28, 2011
February 22, 1975
November 22, 1975
October 29, 1976
January 01, 2007
December 26, 1961
December 13, 1967
April 20, 1957
February 23, 2017
February 14, 1997
June 02, 2021
February 26, 1981