Naamkaran is a hindi word and it means The Naming and used in context of naming a child. Naamkaran tells the story of two sisters – one a pickpocket and the other a teacher by profession. Shot in Kolkata in winter, it follows the journey of the two sisters as their worlds collide to make ends meet. The teacher is looking for a good name for her son. She rejects names suggested by her pickpocket sister and ill father. It is interesting to see how she finalizes the name of her kid. Sen Sharma handles the quirky subject with a degree of authority, choosing not to dwell on drama and allowing events to narrate the story.
Release Date: November 20, 2014
September 13, 2000
November 10, 2013
October 28, 2004
November 23, 2017
April 10, 1952
April 11, 2008
February 08, 2006
April 20, 2007
November 01, 2002
March 26, 2019
April 30, 1976
June 24, 1993
December 27, 1947
July 30, 1949
December 26, 2016
September 28, 2012
November 17, 1988
September 21, 1983
August 23, 2013
November 05, 1975