In a dystopian future, the last human is raised by a machine. He struggles with the loneliness of no human interaction and questions the teachings of a mysterious religious 'Manual' which the machine claims is holy.
Release Date: December 02, 2017
February 06, 1927
December 29, 1995
February 20, 1985
June 13, 2005
June 25, 1982
July 09, 1982
June 10, 1988
November 07, 1997
March 31, 1999
May 15, 2003
November 05, 2003
March 11, 1971
April 23, 1970
May 20, 1971
June 29, 1972
June 15, 1973
September 07, 1966
December 21, 2021
December 18, 1979
May 26, 2001