A drama set in the brutal world of Africa's ghettos, Bronx-Barbes opens with an introduction to Toussaint and Nixon, two teenaged friends who are out of work and commit petty thievery in order to eat. After accidentally murdering a ganglord one night, the two are taken under the wing of a group of thugs who populate the Bronx, a tough neighborhood run by a Mafia-like organization. Toussaint is able to scale the ranks of the neighborhood hierarchy, while Nixon ends up in jail for burglary, and is only released after Toussaint raises the money to free him. Eventually, the friends move on to Barbes, an even rougher neighborhood where they find that it takes more than just friendship to survive.
Release Date: November 22, 2000
November 08, 2002
August 30, 2002
May 26, 1993
November 09, 2005
April 15, 1988
May 16, 2008
February 05, 1993
March 08, 1991
April 22, 2014
November 02, 2007
August 31, 2007
August 11, 2006
July 12, 1991
December 14, 2002
September 09, 2020
April 04, 2001
February 02, 2005
January 30, 2008
April 18, 1975
October 08, 1975