Action-packed espionage thriller based on a book by Mickey Spillane. A man who has been framed for a large-scale robbery escapes from prison, but is caught and given a choice between returning behind bars and working for the CIA. He is enlisted to rescue a scientist from a dictator-run island, disguised as a drug dealer with another agent posing as his wife, while simultaneously plotting to prove his innocence.
Release Date: May 15, 1970
November 27, 2008
March 12, 2004
December 19, 2008
April 25, 2006
August 03, 1994
July 08, 1993
April 08, 1988
September 05, 2006
December 21, 1990
October 06, 1995
July 27, 2006
October 14, 1983
September 24, 1975
May 31, 2002
October 15, 1982
December 06, 1985
December 11, 2006
August 03, 2007
June 07, 2002
May 22, 1996