A short film based on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fictional universe, combining the “Picnic to the curb” of the Strugatsky brothers, “Stalker” by Andrei Tarkovsky and the “Exclusion Zone” location around the Chernobyl NPP. According to the scenario, an agent of the peacekeeping forces, nicknamed "The Photographer", arrives in the Zone to prevent a global scale catastrophe, which could be caused by an experiment that went out of control at a scientific lab.
Release Date: March 11, 2018
July 14, 2005
August 26, 2016
July 08, 2005
June 22, 2023
November 12, 1997
September 25, 1998
August 03, 1994
August 20, 2008
August 04, 2000
September 04, 2003
May 23, 2006
March 11, 2008
March 31, 2006
May 30, 1986
June 28, 1978
January 15, 2008
February 05, 2014
August 18, 1995
October 31, 2013
October 20, 2005