The film begins with a school teacher bidding farewell to his students, who are leaving for the summer. As he is heading home he notices two of his students are hitch-hiking and picks them up. He invites them over for dinner and lodging, which they accept.. The majority of the film from this point on is set at the mansion, where the two students turn from guests to prisoners under the teacher's command.
Release Date: June 06, 1975
October 22, 2015
September 06, 1997
November 27, 2008
December 22, 1991
September 10, 1994
May 03, 1985
December 02, 1965
April 08, 2005
April 11, 2008
April 01, 1993
February 16, 2016
June 21, 1991
February 28, 2001
January 01, 1992
October 29, 2016
November 22, 2023
January 01, 1975
September 27, 2008
November 13, 2000
October 10, 1986