Osamu Kobayashi (小林 治 Kobayashi Osamu, born January 9, 1945) is an animator and animation director perhaps best known for Magical Angel Creamy Mami. He was born in Fuchuu-shi, Tokyo. He belongs to Ajia-do Animation Works. In 1963, he entered Toei animation (existing TOEI ANIMATION) at the same period as Tsutomu Shibayama and Hayao Miyazaki. He was a chief animator working with Shibayama after having transferred to an A production (an existing Shin-ei-animation). He established Ajia-do Animation Works with Shibayama Tsutomu in 1978. (Wikipedia)
Birthday: January 09, 1945
July 07, 2012
September 05, 1986
August 01, 1981
August 06, 1994
January 01, 1969
August 25, 1990
March 20, 1982
July 26, 1980
October 28, 1984
October 24, 1982
May 03, 1980
December 13, 1980
November 03, 1979
June 03, 2003