San Francisco International Airport is a television drama aired in the United States The series starred Lloyd Bridges as Jim Conrad, the manager of the gigantic San Francisco International Airport. Bob Hatten was his chief of security, an important role at a time when security was beginning to emerge as a real-life major issue in air transport. June was Conrad's secretary. Airport situations drawn from real life were addressed, such as protesting demonstrators, mechanical malfunctions, and similar problems.
Release Date: October 28, 1970
Last Aired: December 02, 1970
September 24, 2002
January 19, 2014
October 24, 1981
March 15, 1980
August 08, 2019
January 01, 2006
April 19, 1990
September 23, 1979
September 15, 2002
January 07, 2001
January 31, 2008
September 17, 1960
July 12, 2002
September 26, 2007
March 29, 1996
October 12, 2007
August 21, 1982
March 28, 1967
June 09, 2014
January 05, 2004