Tropical Heat is a Canadian action series The plot revolves around private investigator, ex-DEA agent Nick Slaughter who after arriving in the fictional resort town of Key Mariah, Florida and setting up a detective agency there, met up with local tourist agent Sylvie Girard to solve a variety of different cases.
Release Date: April 08, 1991
Last Aired: October 18, 1993
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September 20, 1999
May 03, 1987
September 22, 1976
November 02, 2020
January 18, 1988
June 10, 2013
November 24, 1981
April 05, 2003
June 21, 2020
March 07, 1983
September 17, 1960
September 30, 1995
March 03, 1985
January 06, 1981
March 04, 2013
September 22, 2004
July 07, 2006
January 05, 2006
March 25, 1994
September 14, 1985