Not with a Bang was a short-lived British television sitcom produced by London Weekend Television in 1990. It ran for seven episodes, each 30 minutes long. The show was a dark science fiction comedy, focusing on the end of the human race on Earth. The title comes from the last line of T. S. Eliot's poem The Hollow Men "not with a bang, but a whimper".
Release Date: March 25, 1990
Last Aired: May 06, 1990
July 17, 2012
February 08, 2023
December 18, 2014
February 25, 2006
July 09, 1999
October 24, 2019
April 02, 1998
November 23, 2018
March 17, 2022
September 13, 2005
January 26, 2006
January 11, 2005
November 06, 1994
February 09, 2003
March 23, 2000
October 11, 1984
September 03, 2020
December 08, 2022
May 14, 2019
January 15, 2012