The Adventures of Jim Bowie is an American Western television series that aired on ABC from 1956 to 1958. Its setting was the 1830s-era Louisiana Territory. The series was an adaptation of the book Tempered Blade, by Monte Barrett. The series stars Scott Forbes as the real-life adventurer Jim Bowie. The series initially portrayed Jim Bowie as something of an outdoors-man, riding his horse through the wilderness near his home in Opelousas, where he would stumble across someone needing his assistance. He was aided by the Bowie Knife, his ever-present weapon. He designed it in the first episode, The Birth of the Blade.
Release Date: September 07, 1956
Last Aired: May 23, 1958
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February 24, 2023
September 22, 1957
October 04, 1957
September 12, 1959
September 14, 1965
February 13, 1976
September 08, 1966
September 20, 1989
August 27, 1993
October 14, 1972
Invalid Date
September 29, 1985
September 09, 1981
October 15, 1955
January 05, 1971
Invalid Date
September 11, 1974
February 25, 1960
October 03, 2005
December 10, 2000