Fury is an American western television series that aired on NBC from 1955 to1960. It stars Peter Graves as Jim Newton, who operates the Broken Wheel Ranch in California; Bobby Diamond as Jim's adopted son, Joey Clark Newton, and William Fawcett as ranch hand Pete Wilkey. Roger Mobley co-starred in the two final seasons as Homer "Packy" Lambert, a friend of Joey's. The frequent introduction to the show depicts the beloved stallion running inside the corral and approaching the camera as the announcer reads: "FURY!..The story of a horse..and a boy who loves him." Fury is the first American series produced originally by Television Programs of America and later by the British-based company ITC Entertainment.
Release Date: October 15, 1955
Last Aired: February 27, 1960
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September 23, 1994
September 15, 1977
January 05, 2001
March 02, 1996
September 12, 1959
September 29, 2002
November 28, 2020
October 04, 2015
December 06, 2021
August 09, 2019
Invalid Date
September 25, 1962
September 24, 1963
September 14, 1987
February 07, 2006
September 07, 1966
April 01, 2016
March 27, 2017
September 29, 1969
January 13, 2017