Pacific Blue is an American crime drama series about a team of police officers with the Santa Monica Police Department who patrolled its beaches on bicycles. The show ran for five seasons on the USA Network, from March 2, 1996 to April 9, 2000, with a total of one hundred and one episodes. Often compared as "Baywatch on bikes," the series enjoyed a popular run among the Network's viewers, and was popular in France, Israel, Sweden, Bulgaria, Norway, Spain, Russia, Austria, Germany, Italy, South America, Canada, Denmark, Poland, and other foreign markets.
Release Date: March 02, 1996
Last Aired: April 09, 2000
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January 07, 2001
September 10, 1993
January 06, 1997
November 13, 1995
September 20, 1968
March 21, 2000
March 15, 1999
January 18, 1988
January 09, 2006
April 08, 2015
February 15, 2019
November 30, 2018
September 03, 2007
February 19, 2021
September 04, 1992
November 29, 1970
October 15, 1955
September 19, 2005
September 09, 2013
August 30, 2012