The Beat delves into the personal and professional lives of two young police recruits who patrol New York's streets. The city's daily machinations are seen through the often bloodshot eyes of Officers Mike Dorigan and Zane Marinelli, two youthful, irreverent partners who are truly products of their generation and unique urban environment. Issues of race, excessive police force – and the unpredictable quirkiness of New York's outspoken locals – compel both men to rely on their sense of humor just to make it to the end of their shift.
Release Date: March 21, 2000
Last Aired: June 13, 2000
November 11, 2020
November 30, 2018
September 01, 2004
March 02, 1996
March 14, 2001
June 06, 1998
January 09, 2006
October 14, 2001
September 29, 1998
April 08, 2015
February 15, 2019
September 26, 2019
December 09, 2021
October 15, 1960
September 08, 2005
January 02, 1962
September 25, 1987
August 03, 1999
March 03, 2006
September 06, 1983