Blue Heelers was one of Australia's longest running weekly television drama series. Blue Heelers is a police drama series set in the fictional country town of Mount Thomas. Under the watchful eye of Tom Croydon (John Wood), the men and women of Mount Thomas Police Station fight crime, resolve disputes and tackle the social issues of the day. We watch their successes and their failures and learn to grow with them and their loved ones as the heart of the series develops.
Release Date: September 10, 1993
Last Aired: June 04, 2006
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November 30, 2018
September 01, 2004
March 02, 1996
August 23, 1998
October 01, 1972
January 09, 2006
August 06, 2006
April 08, 2015
February 15, 2019
February 07, 2020
January 02, 1962
September 06, 1983
September 23, 1972
August 17, 2007
April 10, 2023
April 10, 1992
September 26, 2002
October 29, 1993
February 27, 2014
November 10, 1994