Escape from Jupiter is a space adventure television series about a small group of children from a mining colony on Jupiter's moon, Io, who are forced to flee when a volcanic eruption destroys their world. With a few adult survivors, they seek shelter on the derelict space station KL5, floating above Io, convert it into a jerry-rigged spacecraft, and head off in a desperate attempt to reach Earth. They share many adventures and form close friendships on the dangerous journey. Escape from Jupiter concerned a small colony of humans on the moon of Io.
Release Date: April 10, 1994
Last Aired: July 03, 1994
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July 15, 2004
October 02, 2000
April 12, 2023
October 03, 1994
October 18, 2004
January 16, 1995
August 30, 1999
September 08, 1966
September 26, 2001
January 03, 1993
March 28, 1999
July 04, 1978
December 08, 1980
February 15, 1988
September 28, 1987
September 09, 1973
December 14, 2015
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October 02, 2009
November 30, 2009