The lives of a wildly eclectic group of people are intertwined through the place they all call home, a fabled Hollywood apartment building, El Capitan, which they've dubbed "The Captain." Josh, is a Hollywood whiz kid whose filmmaking career has hit a wall. Just when Josh is about to move back to New York, his accountant-to-the-stars best friend, Marty, convinces him to move into his legendary apartment building.
Release Date: February 04, 2008
Last Aired: March 03, 2008
September 07, 2003
August 28, 1996
October 15, 1951
July 20, 1992
January 04, 2006
September 06, 1976
September 14, 1985
July 18, 2004
October 16, 1989
November 07, 2002
Invalid Date
February 21, 1993
March 09, 1995
December 14, 2016
September 05, 1989
January 29, 1984
February 19, 2016
March 19, 2002
September 27, 1997
October 03, 2004