Now and Again is an American television series that aired in the US from September 24, 1999 until May 5, 2000 on CBS. The story revolves around the United States government engineering the perfect human body for use in espionage, but not being able to yet perfect the brain. In an attempt to get the project up and running, they take the brain of overweight family man Michael Wiseman, who is killed by a train. Given a new life, Michael is kept in an apartment where he is trained by government experts, led by Dr. Theodore Morris, in the art of espionage. Despite his new life and new abilities, Michael longs to return to his wife Lisa and daughter Heather, who are themselves discovering that not all is as it seems with Michael's death.
Release Date: September 24, 1999
Last Aired: May 05, 2000
October 07, 2018
September 15, 1971
September 29, 1985
November 03, 2001
October 03, 2000
January 07, 1961
September 13, 1966
September 24, 2013
September 14, 1958
January 22, 1984
July 02, 2022
September 04, 1954
January 13, 1997
September 22, 1964
September 15, 1998
October 20, 2001
September 11, 1960
July 20, 2002
October 03, 1983
May 25, 2023