Mary-Kate and Ashley in Action! is an animated television series by DIC Entertainment, Dualstar, Buena Vista Television and Club Acclaim, featuring the voices and likeness of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. It is also a series of books that spun off, from the show. The show premiered on October 20, 2001 on The Walt Disney Company's One Saturday Morning on The American Broadcasting Company and was cancelled after one season due to poor ratings. Reruns were later shown on Toon Disney.
Release Date: October 20, 2001
Last Aired: June 29, 2002
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September 15, 1971
September 29, 1985
October 30, 2005
November 03, 2001
October 07, 2018
April 18, 2023
September 22, 1982
October 02, 1978
October 03, 2000
August 07, 2004
January 07, 1961
December 05, 2024
April 06, 2021
April 05, 2006
January 09, 2000
September 21, 2004
April 06, 2019
September 24, 1999
January 13, 1997
September 22, 1964