Mr. Adams and Eve is a CBS sitcom starring Howard Duff and his then wife, Ida Lupino, as a fictitious acting couple, Howard and Eve Adams, residing in Beverly Hills, California. In the television series, Lupino is known professionally as Eve Drake. The program aired sixty-six episodes from January 4, 1957, to July 8, 1958, with rebroadcasts continuing until September 23, 1958. Lupino was nominated for an Emmy Award for "Best Actress in a Continuing Role" for both seasons of Mr. Adams and Eve.
Release Date: January 04, 1957
Last Aired: July 08, 1958
September 30, 1952
January 17, 1977
July 04, 1955
October 08, 1999
July 29, 1989
March 21, 1990
April 08, 1978
September 20, 1984
September 24, 1993
May 30, 1992
March 25, 1986
September 26, 2006
September 27, 1997
August 24, 1979
April 21, 1995
September 25, 1968
February 24, 1978
November 06, 1957
November 02, 2001
August 17, 1996