The Troop is an American-Canadian live-action, single camera comedy-adventure television series about a trio of teenagers who fight and capture monsters and other supernatural phenomena that invade the fictional town of Lakewood. Created and executive produced by Max Burnett, Greg Coolidge and Chris Morgan, the series premiered on Nickelodeon on September 18, 2009. The second season premiered on June 25, 2011 and Nickelodeon cancelled the series midway through its second season. The remaining episodes of season 2 were aired on Nicktoons with the series finale airing on May 8, 2013.
Release Date: September 18, 2009
Last Aired: May 08, 2013
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October 03, 1994
April 03, 2004
September 17, 2000
September 12, 2004
November 03, 2001
May 02, 2013
March 31, 2023
June 03, 1989
June 17, 2000
February 26, 2000
October 07, 2013
August 03, 1999
May 05, 1959
January 16, 1989
September 07, 2002
January 24, 2000
July 13, 2013
January 18, 1999
January 11, 2004
March 17, 2008