Bless this house is a British sitcom starring Sid James and Diana Coupland that aired on ITV from the 2nd February 1971 to the 22nd April 1976. It was written by Derek Collyer, David Comming, B.C. Cummins, Harry Driver, George Evans, Dave Freeman, Carla Lane, Brian Platt, Vince Powell, Adele Rose, Mike Sharland, Bernie Sharp, Myra Taylor, Jon Watkins and Lawrie Wyman. It was made for the ITV network by Thames Television. In 2004, Bless this house came 67th in Britain's best sitcom.
Release Date: February 02, 1971
Last Aired: April 22, 1976
September 30, 1952
January 17, 1977
July 04, 1955
October 08, 1999
July 29, 1989
March 21, 1990
April 08, 1978
September 20, 1984
September 24, 1993
May 30, 1992
March 25, 1986
September 26, 2006
September 27, 1997
July 12, 2005
August 24, 1979
April 21, 1995
September 25, 1968
February 24, 1978
September 14, 1990
August 17, 1996