The Secret World of Benjamin Bear is an animated television series produced from 2003 to 2009 by PorchLight Entertainment and Amberwood Entertainment. It is still being aired in Canada on both Family and Disney Junior specialty TV channels and in the USA on KidMango and Christian Television Network. The title character is a stuffed toy bear that, together with other stuffed bears, is "alive" and have adventures of their own. They are very careful to try to appear inanimate when in sight of humans. The teddy bears of brother Max and sister Eliza are often seen together, even though Max is sometimes mean to his sister. Benjamin Bear was voiced by Jonathan Crombie. Leslie Hetdgen was the consultant of the TV series. The bears' main duty is to their child. They keep them happy, act as a friend to talk to when in need, and secretly keep them out of harm's way and on the right path to success.
Release Date: January 01, 2003
Last Aired: January 01, 2003
September 09, 1995
October 03, 1994
January 21, 2002
December 09, 1995
October 03, 2016
January 01, 1975
September 05, 1997
April 06, 1980
July 20, 1992
June 24, 1981
May 18, 2007
September 03, 2001
January 09, 1977
September 16, 1984
October 02, 2016
October 02, 1999
August 16, 1999
February 19, 1986
August 23, 2003