This show follows a middle-class family of five, each with their own distinct personality. In the context of their comfortable daily lives, they experience countless lighthearted and amusing scenarios. The father is a typical "macho man", while the mother works hard behind the scenes to raise their two sons. The eldest son is a middle manager who often plays the "peacemaker" role in his career, family and relationships, due to his fear of confrontation. His wife is a strong-willed insurance broker who cares deeply for her husband, but can also be overbearing at times. The youngest son is a capable young man who is lost when it comes to love. The show also features the family's neighbors, friends, and colleagues, each with their own distinct personality, and their interactions and relationships produce many heartwarming stories.
Release Date: January 02, 1989
Last Aired: March 10, 1989
April 22, 2016
June 18, 2021
June 17, 2012
Invalid Date
August 31, 1976
September 22, 1982
September 23, 1992
September 12, 1966
July 31, 1968
September 23, 1986
September 11, 1993
April 08, 2005
June 06, 1966
April 04, 2001
October 03, 1984
September 15, 1969
September 25, 1997
February 26, 2001
September 25, 1997
September 27, 1996