Doc Martin is a British television comedy drama series starring Martin Clunes in the title role. It was created by Dominic Minghella after the character of Dr. Martin Bamford in the 2000 comedy film Saving Grace. The show is set in the fictional seaside village of Portwenn and filmed on location in the village of Port Isaac, Cornwall, England, with most interior scenes shot in a converted local barn. Five series aired between 2004 and 2011, together with a feature-length special that aired on Christmas Day 2006. Series 6 began airing on ITV on 2 September 2013.
Release Date: September 02, 2004
Last Aired: October 26, 2022
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April 01, 1998
September 06, 1986
January 12, 1999
September 23, 1979
April 09, 1972
November 16, 2020
July 18, 2010
September 21, 1998
November 24, 1981
October 01, 1983
October 03, 1976
April 22, 2022
August 26, 2024
October 14, 1982
December 12, 1993
January 26, 1994
September 01, 2008
September 26, 2007
September 23, 1969
November 14, 2006