Marcus Welby, M.D. is an American medical drama television program that aired on ABC from September 23, 1969, to July 29, 1976. It starred Robert Young as a family practitioner with a kind bedside manner and James Brolin as the younger doctor he often worked with, and was produced by David Victor and David J. O'Connell. The pilot, A Matter of Humanities, had aired as an ABC Movie of the Week on March 26, 1969.
Release Date: September 23, 1969
Last Aired: May 04, 1976
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April 26, 1988
May 21, 1986
September 09, 2021
August 05, 2013
December 12, 1993
June 18, 2007
March 18, 2013
July 05, 2015
April 22, 2022
September 26, 2007
November 14, 2006
May 23, 2004
September 02, 2004
April 12, 2023
September 15, 1995
September 05, 1977
October 29, 1993
September 16, 2002
September 19, 1989
April 26, 2004