A series that revolves around Abdullah, who works as a hunter, and depends on his family after the death of his father, and during his hunting one day, a person named Abdullah, who lives in the depths of the sea, and the material condition of Abdullah Al-Bari changes after he obtained pearls from the sea in exchange for giving him fruits to the inhabitants of the sea, and opens the greeds of some villains in the village.
Release Date: February 11, 1994
Last Aired: February 11, 1994
March 11, 2022
March 04, 1992
April 07, 2024
March 08, 2023
July 03, 2021
January 08, 2001
June 16, 1996
April 05, 1968
July 13, 2013
January 11, 1985
October 05, 2003
October 03, 1994
September 07, 1996
October 07, 1988
January 14, 1976
April 19, 1997
February 08, 2003
September 13, 1986
January 12, 1966
August 29, 2005