Oyuki, the daughter of a master swordsman in the Yaegaki-style, is a skilled practitioner of the secret technique "flying sword". She embarks on a journey alongside the naive samurai Isawa no Fujiyoshi, hailing from a peasant background, and Choshi no Yosaburo, an aspiring chivalrous rogue from a fishing village. Together, they travel and seek to punish the wicked.
Release Date: October 02, 1970
Last Aired: December 25, 1970
October 31, 2006
January 11, 1994
April 14, 1980
January 08, 2006
October 03, 1978
October 19, 1982
January 06, 1993
January 14, 2016
May 10, 2019
January 02, 1986
January 07, 2001
April 03, 1994
June 04, 1993
January 05, 1992
January 06, 1991
January 07, 2008
October 12, 2012
April 05, 1975
January 06, 2002
March 15, 2014