Mayuko Chigasaki is an ordinary girl from the countryside, who now is attending university in big city Tokyo. She struggles each day to make ends meet while studying for her exams, barely scraping up the yen to afford bus fare to and from school. And at the end of the day, she comes home to a gluttonous, freeloading alien living in her closet!
Release Date: April 26, 2000
Last Aired: July 19, 2000
March 31, 2023
July 27, 2024
September 19, 1975
September 07, 1984
July 04, 2003
October 03, 1994
September 21, 1994
December 19, 1994
July 15, 2004
November 02, 2002
September 20, 2003
November 29, 1991
February 23, 1994
April 15, 1989
July 02, 2013
January 19, 2014
April 04, 2013
October 06, 1997
February 03, 2005
May 21, 1996