Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior was a short-lived American police procedural drama that aired on CBS. The show debuted in 2011 as a spin-off from the successful Criminal Minds, which had premiered in 2005. This edition's profiling team also worked for the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Behavioral Analysis Unit in Quantico, Virginia. In an April 2010 episode of Criminal Minds, during the show's fifth season, the original team met the new team and worked with them to find a San Francisco serial killer. This episode served as the new series' backdoor pilot.
Release Date: February 16, 2011
Last Aired: May 25, 2011
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November 11, 2020
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March 02, 1996
March 14, 2001
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January 09, 2006
February 21, 1996
March 06, 1999
April 08, 2015
February 15, 2019
April 14, 2022
January 02, 1962
September 24, 2001
October 05, 1999
September 06, 1983
September 23, 1972
August 17, 2007
April 10, 2023
April 21, 1991