Identity is a British police procedural drama television series starring Aidan Gillen and Keeley Hawes, airing in the UK during July–August 2010. Concerning identity theft, the series was created and written by Ed Whitmore, a writer most noted for his work on the BBC's Waking The Dead and the acclaimed ITV mini-series He Kills Coppers. The remake rights have been sold to the ABC Network in America who are developing their own version of the show. ITV confirmed that the show had been cancelled on 19 October 2010, after a single series.
Release Date: July 05, 2010
Last Aired: August 09, 2010
November 30, 2018
September 01, 2004
March 02, 1996
January 09, 2006
April 08, 2015
February 15, 2019
January 02, 1962
September 06, 1983
September 23, 1972
August 17, 2007
April 10, 2023
April 10, 1992
September 26, 2002
October 29, 1993
November 10, 1994
March 13, 1982
September 22, 2008
January 18, 2011
February 15, 2009
January 07, 2001