Life with Boys is a Canadian teen sitcom that started broadcasting in Canada on YTV in September 2011. It follows Tess Foster as she copes with living in a home with just boys: her father, Jack, and three brothers, Gabe, Spencer and Sam. With the help of her best friend, Allie, she pulls through. Life with Boys is created by Michael Poryes, who also co-created Hannah Montana and That's So Raven. It was announced that Life with Boys was renewed a second season. Shooting started on September 4, 2012, in Toronto. On February 6, 2013, the series premiered on American network TeenNick.
Release Date: September 09, 2011
Last Aired: November 02, 2013
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September 19, 1989
January 09, 2005
September 27, 1997
March 01, 2007
January 11, 2004
July 13, 2013
August 03, 1999
April 03, 2004
January 16, 1989
September 07, 2002
October 05, 2002
November 03, 2001
January 24, 2000
April 04, 2004
September 06, 2004
October 05, 2002
May 05, 1959
March 17, 2008
January 25, 2007
January 08, 2007