Paddington Bear was the second television adaptation of the children's animated series and made by Hanna-Barbera. This series was traditional two-dimensional animated and featured veteran voice actor Charlie Adler as Paddington and Tim Curry as Mr. Curry. The character of an American boy named David, Jonathan and Judy Brown's cousin was added to the stories in order to sell the concept to US networks.
Release Date: December 02, 1989
Last Aired: January 21, 1990
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August 14, 2000
May 10, 2004
May 25, 1974
September 29, 1958
June 29, 2005
October 09, 1984
September 16, 1964
October 11, 2004
January 23, 1985
April 16, 2023
December 30, 2000
April 04, 2023
April 11, 2023
April 01, 2012
August 02, 1992
January 03, 1989
October 05, 2004
January 09, 2019
October 04, 1997
July 09, 1999