The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police is an American-Canadian children’s action & adventure animated television series that was aired on Fox Kids in the US, and it even aired on YTV in Canada, the show ran from October 4th, 1997 to April 25th, 1998.
Release Date: October 04, 1997
Last Aired: April 25, 1998
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November 11, 2020
November 30, 2018
October 06, 2018
March 02, 1996
January 29, 1997
August 14, 2000
October 11, 2004
March 20, 2000
May 10, 2004
September 02, 2006
December 14, 1987
September 24, 1994
January 09, 2006
June 23, 1993
August 12, 2013
June 30, 2013
July 08, 2013
April 08, 2015
January 15, 2012
February 15, 2019