McDuff, The Talking Dog was a Saturday morning live action television program that aired on NBC in 1976. The show centered around the ghost of a 100-year-old sheepdog who used to live in the home now owned by a veterinarian, Dr. Calvin Campbell. McDuff could talk not only to the other animals, but also to Dr. Campbell. However, Dr. Campbell was the only person who could hear or see McDuff, which often led to wacky situations. Dr. Campbell’s neighbor, Amos Ferguson, was played by Gordon Jump, who would later go on to WKRP in Cincinnati fame.
Release Date: September 11, 1976
Last Aired: November 20, 1976
April 03, 2004
August 07, 2013
June 27, 1966
June 23, 1993
July 08, 2013
September 23, 1962
January 23, 1985
September 22, 1995
September 21, 1969
September 13, 1969
January 03, 1989
September 17, 1983
October 31, 2020
October 04, 2015
November 01, 2018
July 07, 2023
April 09, 2012
June 30, 2014
September 10, 1988
October 04, 1997