Newsreaders is a quarter-hour format American television comedy that lampoons the news magazine genre. The series is a spinoff of the Adult Swim show Childrens Hospital and stars Mather Zickel as Louis LaFonda, the host of the fictional news magazine Newsreaders. The series premiered January 17, 2013. It has been renewed for a second season.
Release Date: January 17, 2013
Last Aired: February 13, 2015
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September 07, 1984
November 13, 1995
May 21, 1986
November 02, 2002
November 13, 2020
September 14, 2006
February 03, 2005
December 14, 2018
July 21, 2005
January 24, 1996
January 19, 1994
October 31, 2005
March 05, 2001
March 31, 2021
April 08, 2021
October 04, 2018
January 09, 2013
January 01, 1993
November 18, 1991
April 09, 1999