Revolves around the lives of members of a suburban family called the Johnsons. Hard-working Edgar, the father, is employed by Ken, his borderline-evil father-in law, while his house-proud wife, Wendy, looks after their children: the freaky weirdo Dusty, the amiable idiot Jason and the highly strung emo, Eve. Ken's only friend is a large green figment of his imagination called Squidge, who makes him do unpleasant things.
Release Date: November 12, 2012
Last Aired: December 17, 2012
March 23, 2023
August 18, 2019
October 04, 2018
January 05, 1976
January 29, 1997
September 13, 1993
March 20, 2000
June 18, 2006
June 08, 2005
September 14, 2006
February 03, 2005
December 14, 2018
March 12, 2007
October 01, 2003
October 30, 2005
July 21, 2005
January 24, 1996
August 04, 2005
May 12, 2000
January 19, 1994