High Spirits with Shirley Ghostman is a British television comedy show broadcast on BBC Three It features character comedian Marc Wootton playing an effete and slightly vicious fake medium/psychic. It is narrated by Patrick Stewart, with animated sequences by Rex Crowle produced by onedotzero. The character of Shirley Ghostman is sometimes considered to be a parody of the supposed act of controversial psychic, Derek Acorah and contains actual satirical references to the television show 6ixth Sense with Colin Fry in Shirley's opening speech to the audience. The show was very successful on BBC Three and was set to move to BBC Two in the summer of 2005.
Release Date: March 01, 2005
Last Aired: April 19, 2005
September 07, 1984
November 13, 1995
May 21, 1986
November 02, 2002
November 13, 2020
August 07, 2013
September 14, 2006
February 03, 2005
December 14, 2018
July 21, 2005
January 24, 1996
January 19, 1994
October 31, 2005
August 10, 2013
July 08, 2013
March 05, 2001
March 31, 2021
April 08, 2021
February 14, 2019
April 12, 2019