Inspired by the award-winning documentary, this medical drama is set in the busiest and most notorious ER in the nation where the extraordinary staff confront a challenged system in order to protect their ideals and the patients who need them the most.
Release Date: September 30, 2015
Last Aired: July 18, 2018
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September 24, 2002
October 26, 1982
August 05, 2013
February 04, 2002
December 12, 1993
June 18, 2007
September 23, 2005
November 03, 2001
September 16, 1967
March 18, 2013
July 05, 2015
Invalid Date
May 23, 2004
September 11, 2000
September 02, 2004
September 15, 1995
September 05, 1977
December 27, 1979
October 29, 1993
September 06, 1986