The show features Lucas Silva e Silva, a boy who earns a recorder from his paternal grandfather, Orlando, at the age of 10. Amid the typical problems of moving from childhood to adolescence, Lucas creates stories on the tape recorder from how he would like things to be. He lives at his grandfather's house with his parents, Rogerio, a teacher who works out for three jobs and Carolina, who works in a boutique; the older sister, Juliana; and maid Rosa, who dates Marcelo and talks to broadcaster Ney Nunes on her radio.
Release Date: October 06, 1991
Last Aired: September 27, 1992
May 18, 2007
February 24, 2019
September 07, 1985
October 01, 2003
January 21, 2002
November 05, 2012
April 06, 1980
April 12, 2023
July 20, 1992
July 03, 2006
August 23, 1998
August 14, 2000
January 09, 1996
July 04, 2003
September 09, 1995
October 03, 1994
November 03, 1993
February 11, 2019
November 03, 1978
September 16, 1984