Island Son is a CBS television medical drama during its 1989-90 schedule. Island Son marked the return to regular weekly series television of Richard Chamberlain, who had not so appeared since his Dr. Kildare series almost 25 years earlier. In the interim he had enjoyed a somewhat successful career in feature films, and had become widely known as "The King of the Miniseries" due to his success in that format. Chamberlain once again portrayed a dedicated medical doctor, Dr. Daniel Kulani. Kulani was born in Hawaii and practiced on the mainland for many years prior to his return to work at the fictional Kamehameha Medical Center in Honolulu. Kulani's complicated life involved his stressful work environment; his adoptive parents, Tutu and Nana; his 18-year-old son, Sam; and his love interest, high school drama teacher Nina Delaney. Dr. Kulani's complicated life was never resolved to the satisfaction of the viewers because the program was canceled in March 1990.
Release Date: September 16, 1989
Last Aired: March 29, 1990
April 26, 1988
September 20, 1968
May 21, 1986
August 05, 2013
February 04, 2002
December 12, 1993
June 18, 2007
September 23, 2005
March 18, 2013
July 05, 2015
April 22, 2022
September 26, 2007
September 23, 1969
November 14, 2006
May 23, 2004
September 02, 2004
September 15, 1995
September 05, 1977
October 29, 1993
October 08, 2000