The New Adventures of Beans Baxter is an adventure/comedy television series The show revolves around the spy activities of Benjamin "Beans" Baxter Jr., a Kansas teenager who just moved with his parents and younger brother to Washington, D.C., as part of his father's reassignment as an employee of the US Postal Service. Beans witnesses his father's assassination via a bomb placed in his postal vehicle, then gets hired by the mysterious "Number Two", an agent/second-in-command of The Network, a secret spy agency. The main nemesis of The Network is the evil organization UGLI, headed by the equally evil Mr Sue and comedian Taylor Negron as his second-in-command henchman. Shortly after settling in his new hometown, Beans struck up a friendship with an all-around guy nicknamed "Woodshop" and his love life began in earnest when he later met a beautiful student nicknamed "Cake Lace". In one episode, former Miss Universe Shawn Weatherly played herself.
Release Date: July 18, 1987
Last Aired: November 28, 1987
September 13, 1966
October 20, 2001
September 16, 2005
September 11, 1960
January 22, 1984
September 15, 1971
September 29, 1985
September 22, 1982
September 20, 1976
September 21, 2005
July 20, 2002
May 25, 2023
September 24, 1999
January 13, 1997
September 22, 1964
October 07, 2018
January 12, 2007
November 26, 2010
October 06, 2006
June 13, 2016