ALF: The Animated Series is an animated cartoon spin-off based on the live-action Sitcom series ALF. It premiered on September 26, 1987 and ran for 26 episodes. ALF Tales was a spinoff from the series that ran on the NBC television network on Saturdays from August 1988 to December 1989. The show had characters from that series play various characters from fairy tales. The fairy tale was usually altered for comedic effect in a manner relational to Fractured Fairy Tales.
Release Date: September 26, 1987
Last Aired: January 07, 1989
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April 18, 1997
September 17, 2005
January 05, 1981
July 13, 2013
December 19, 1994
September 20, 2003
September 14, 1978
April 04, 2006
August 06, 2020
November 17, 2001
February 09, 2023
April 17, 2005
September 05, 1983
December 21, 2018
March 28, 1999
April 26, 2000
September 01, 1992
July 08, 1997
August 23, 2003
February 15, 1988