The Trap Door is a claymation-style animated television series, originally shown in the United Kingdom in 1984. The plot revolves around both the daily lives and the misadventures of a group of monsters living in a castle. Although the emphasis was on humour and the show was marketed as a children's programme but also for family entertainment, the show drew much from the genres of horror and dark fantasy. The show has since become a cult favourite and remains one of the most widely recognised kids' shows of the 1980s. Digital children's channel Pop started rerunning the show in 2010.
Release Date: October 06, 1986
Last Aired: July 28, 1990
February 08, 2023
December 18, 2014
July 09, 1999
November 23, 2018
January 11, 2005
February 09, 2003
March 23, 2000
December 08, 2022
January 15, 2012
March 14, 1982
December 17, 2020
February 01, 2019
January 28, 2022
June 07, 2005
October 04, 1997
August 07, 2005
January 06, 2004
January 29, 2004
September 08, 1976
February 15, 2004